Monday, August 17, 2009

Infinity Rubber Technology Group Inc. puts the boot to their workers at Christmas time!

Despite accepting a 10% pay cut last year, a group of manufacturing workers is now on strike after their employer demanded even greater concessions to their modest wages and benefits.
Unionized employees at Infinity Rubber Technology Group Inc. in Toronto decided to strike in response to the company's demands for a 25% pay cut and for the workers to start paying for group insurance benefits.
The company also is demanding other concessions from the workers, who are members of Local 526L of the United Steelworkers (USW).
"These are workers who were earning $20 an hour and they reluctantly agreed to take a $2 hourly wage cut in November 2008," said Bryan Adamczyk, a USW staff representative.
"Now the company is demanding they take a $5-per-hour wage cut and pay 50% of the cost of benefits. With these demands the workers would be earning $13.65 per hour after factoring in cost of benefits for employees."
Most of the workers who were still on the job prior to the strike have more than 20 years of service with Infinity Rubber, formerly known as Biltrite Rubber Inc.
The company had employed more than 100 unionized workers, but the layoff of more than 60 employees left 44 workers prior to the strike.

1 comment:

  1. Another greedy company putting the squeeze on workers. Check out the working conditions and skills needed to operate this kind of equipment.
    I suggest we find out some of their customers and let them know that we will only buy their products if they have Canadian content with the workers getting decent wages!
